Mining with Ubuntu

I recommend to use Ubuntu for mining. It's faster than window 64 bit.

How to mining ( I use Ubutu 12.04)

1.Ctrl + alt + T for open Terminal

2. Copy the sentence. and Paste in to terminal  (Press enter. Wait for program working. When it done, copy another sentence)

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get -y install build-essential m4 openssl libssl-dev git libjson0 libjson0-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev

cd && rm -rf gmp-5.1.3.tar.bz2 gmp-5.1.3 && wget && tar xjvf gmp-5.1.3.tar.bz2 && cd gmp-5.1.3

*Next sentence you need to setting your core of your cpu. If you have 4 core, type 4 ( In the example I type 4)(behind -j)

./configure --enable-cxx && make -j 4 && sudo make install && cd

sudo git clone
cd jhPrimeminer-Aero  && sudo make
sudo nano start_Aerominer
** Next sentence you need to change to be your own sentence 
(user.worker >>> your worker of pool.  EX n4ve.XPM_1
PASSWORD >>> password of your worker )
./jhprimeminer -o -u USER.WORKER -p PASSWORD -m 61 -m2 0 -m3 0 -m4 0   

sudo chmod +x start_Aerominer
 screen ./start_Aerominer
Enjoy xD    The next time you just open terminal and type
cd jhPrimeminer-Aero

screen ./start_Aerominer  

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